Prof. Krishna Lal Baishnab



National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering

Silchar, Assam, 788010, India


Phone: +91-**********


Date of Joining: 17/03/1998

Academic Experience: 26+ years

Personal Webpage:


  • Ph.D.:     National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India
  • M.Tech.: Indian  Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 
  • B.Tech.: Regional Engineering College, Silchar, India,


  • Professor @ ECE Department National Institute of Technology Silchar


  • Analog VLSI Design for Biomedical applications
  • RF VLSI Design for Wireless Communications
  • Algorithms to VLSI architecture for communications and machine learning


B.E (Regional Enginnering College Silchar) (presently National Institute of Technology Silchar) in the year 1995. M.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, WB . PhD from NationaI Institute of Technology  Silchar.; Professional carrier: Production Engineer in “WIDECOM FAX and Plotter” NOIDA EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE- NOIDA Phase-II in the year 1996-1997. Lecturer REC Silchar since 17th March 1998. Presently serving at  National Institute of Technoly Silchar (An Institute of National Importance) India  as professor. 


  1. Design and Development of  Low Power Low Latency Non-Invasive Seizure Detector System with total estimated cost of Rs 109.89 Lakhs under the funding agency Ministry of Electronics  and Information  Technology (MeitY)  w.e.f 22.05.2023.
  2. Glomerulus Ultrafiltration and Reabsorption Function of Proximal Tubule of Kidney for in vivo implantation. [BT/PR49483/MED/32/922/2023


  1. Type: German Patent (Awarded)Title of invention: Spike: An ultra-fast, ultra-small, ultra-low power robust block cipher for resource constrained IOT security applications.Date of Grant:10 December 2021Name of Inventor(s):Krishna Lal Baishnab, Koushik Guha, Siddhartha RoyPatent number: 202021105811.0
  2. Type: German Patent (Granted)Date: 24 June 2022Title of invention: A System for Developing a Lightweight Block Cipher for Resource Restricted Applications.Name of Inventor(s): Krishna Lal Baishnab, Koushik Guha, Siddhartha RoyPatent number: 202022103193.2
  3. Type: German Patent (Granted)
    Date: 31 May 2022
    Name of Inventor(s):
    Neeraj Kumar Niranjan, Madhuchhanda Choudhury, Krishna Lal Baishnab, Koushik Guha
    Patent number: 202022103080.4


International Journals

  1. Sarkar; A. Srivastava; S. K. Tripathy, Ph.D; K. L. Baishnab; T. R. Lenka; P. S. Menon; F. Lin; A. G. Aberle, “Exploring the Effect of Ga3+ Doping on Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of CH3NH3PbCl3 Perovskites: An Experimental Study” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ( Accepted July 2020).
  2. Biswas, A. Majumdar, S. Nath, A. Dutta, and K. L. Baishnab. “LRBC: a lightweight block cipher design for resource-constrained IoT devices.” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-15,2020. Indexed in SCIE, Springer. (Impact Factor: 4.594).
  3. A. Biswas, A. Majumdar, S. Das, K. L. Baishnab, “OCSO-CA: Opposition based Competitive Swarm Optimizer in Energy Efficient IoT Clustering”, Frontiers of Computer Science. Indexed in SCIE, Springer. (Impact Factor: 1.284).
  4. Ashim Jyoti Gogoi, K L Baishnab, “Dynamic threshold based throughput enhancement in cognitive radio network using hidden Markov model with state prediction” Wireless Personal Communications accepted July 2020.
  5. Naushad Manzoor Laskar, Koushik Guha, Indronil Chatterjee, Saurav Chanda, K.L.Baishnab, P.K.Paul, “HWPSO: A new Hybrid Whale-Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and its application in Electronic Design Optimization Problems”, Applied Intelligence, Springer, vol.49, pp.265-291, 2019. (SCI)
  6. M.Laskar, K.Guha, S.Nath, S.Chanda, K.L.Baishnab, P.K.Paul, K.S.Rao, “ Design of High Gain, high Bandwidth Neural Amplifier IC considering noise-power trade-off”, Microsystems Technologies, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-018-4142-5. (Available Online) (SCI)
  7. M.Laskar, S.Nath, K.Guha, P.K.Paul, K.L.Baishnab, “Design of a Low Offset, Low Noise Amplifier for Neural Recording Application,” Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, NISCAIR, vol.79, May 2020. (SCIE)
  8. M.Laskar, K.Guha, S.Nath, K.L.Baishnab, P.K.Paul, “Optimal Sizing of Recycling Folded Cascode Amplifier for low frequency applications using new hybrid swarm based technique,” Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis, DOI: 10.1080/08839514.2020.1790163 (Available Online) (SCIE).
  9. M.Laskar, K.Guha, P.K.Paul. K.L.Baishnab, “Random Offset Minimization in Low Frequency Front-End Amplifiers using Swarm Intelligence based techniques,” Evolutionary Intelligence, Springer. (under  revision) (ESCI).
  10. Abhishek Majumdar, Tapas Debnath, Arpita Biswas, Sandeep K. Sood, Krishna Lal Baishnab, “An Energy Efficient e-Healthcare Framework Supported by Novel EO-μGA (Extremal Optimization Tuned Micro-Genetic Algorithm” Information Systems Frontiers (SCI Journal)
  11. Majumdar, A. Biswas, K. L. Baishnab, S. K. Sood, “LRBC: A Lightweight Block Cipher Design for Resource Constrained IoT Devices using 65nm Technology”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol.:(0123456789)://, 2020.
  12. Sagarika Choudhary, Neeraj Kumar, K L Baishnab, Koushik Guha, “Design and simulation of P-TFET for improved ION/IOFF ratio and subthreshold slope using strained Si1−xGex channel heterojunction”, Microsystem Technologies, 2019.
  13. Sagarika Choudhary, K L Baishnab, “An Evolutionary Algorithm based Optimized Double gate Hetero-material Tunnel FET,” Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer, accepted November 18th- 2019. (SCI Journal)
  14. Majumdar, A. Biswas, A. Majumder, S. K. Sood, K. L. Baishnab, “A Novel DNA-Inspired Encryption Model for Concealing Cloud Storage,” Frontiers of Computer Science, Springer. (Accepted) 8th November 2019 (SCI Journal)
  15. Arifa Ahmed, K L Baishnab,” Joint Optimal Design of Sensing Time and Transmission Power for Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Cognitive Radio System,” Wireless personal communications, Springer, October 2019,
  16. Preeti, K Guha, K L Baishnab, Kalayan Dursalapudi, K Narshima Raju, “Low frequency MEMS accelerometers in health monitoring – A review based on material and design aspects,” Materials Today proceedings, Elsevier, accepted 22nd June 2019.
  17. Sarkar, J. Mazumder, S.K. Tripathy, K.L. Baishnab, and G. Palai, “Structural, optoelectronic, and morphological study of indium-doped methylammonium lead chloride perovskites”, Applied Physics A 125(8), (2019)580., 2019. (SCI Journal)
  18. Paramita Sarkar, Rishikanta Mayengbam, S. K. Tripathy, and L. Baishnab, “Cubic methylammonium lead chloride perovskite as a transparent conductor in solar cell applications: An experimental and theoretical study”, Indian journal of pure & applied physics (IJPAP)  2019. SCI Journal
  19. Majumdar, T. Debnath, S. K. Sood, K. L. Baishnab, “Kyasanur Forest Disease Classification Framework Using Novel Extremal Optimization Tuned Neural Network in Fog Computing Environment”, Journal of Medical Systems, Springer, vol. 42, pp. 187, 2018. DoI: Indexed in SCI, Thomson Reuters. (Impact Factor: 2.415).
  20. Majumdar, N. M. Laskar, A. Biswas, S. K. Sood, K. L. Baishnab, “Energy Efficient e-Healthcare Framework using HWPSO-based Clustering Approach”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3957-69, 2019. DoI: Indexed in SCI, Thomson Reuters. (Impact Factor: 1.637).
  21. Majumdar, A. Biswas, K. L. Baishnab, S. K. Sood, “DNA Based Cloud Storage Security Framework using Fuzzy Decision Making Technique”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 3794-3820, 2019. DoI: 2019. Indexed in SCI, Thomson Reuters. (Impact Factor: 0.711).
  22. Ashim Gogoi and Krishna Baishnab, “Swarm intelligence based optimization of energy consumption in cognitive radio network”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, Netherlands (ISSN print 1064-1246, ISSN online 1875-8967) 2018
  23. K. Guha, N.M.Laskar, H. J. Gogoi, S. Chanda, K. L. Baishnab, K. Srinivasa Rao. “An Improved Analytical Model for Static Pull-in Voltage of a Flexured MEMS Switch”, Microsystem Technologies, Springer accepted 18th April 2018.
  24. K.Guha, N.M.Laskar, H.J.Gogoi, K.L.Baishnab, K. Srinivasa Rao, “A New Analytical Model for Switching Time of a Perforated MEMS Switch”, Microsystem Technologies, Springer, Feb. 2018.doi: 10.1007/s00542-018-3803-8.
  25. Srinivasa Rao Karumuri; Sateesh J`; KoushikGuha; K.L. Baishnab,GirijaSravani K, P. Ashok, “Design and Analysis of MEMS based piezoelectric micro pump integrated with micro needle”, Microsystem Technologies, April, 2018. Springer.doi: 10.1007/s00542-018-3807-4.
  26. Srinivasa Rao Karumuri; Akshar Kumar R; Girijasravani k; Sateesh J; KoushikGuha; K.L.Baishanab, “Analysis of Uniform Structured RF MEMS Switch with Different Uniform and Non-Uniform Meandering Techniques”, Microsystem Technologies, Springer(accepted).
  27. Guha, Koushik.,Laskar, N. M., Gogoi, H., Borah, A., L.Baishnab, Baishya, S.: “Modeling and Optimization of Pull-in Voltage in a Flexured MEMS Switch Incorporating Beam Perforation Effect”, Journal of Solid State Electronics, Elsevier, Vol.137,pp.85-94, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.sse.2017.08.007
  28. AJ Gogoi, NM Laskar, L Singh, KL Baishnab, “Throughput Optimization of Cognitive Radio Network Using Swarm Intelligence Techniques,” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol.14 (11), 443, 2017.
  29. C.L.Singh, Ch.Anandini, A.J.Gogoi, K.L.Baishnab,“Automated sizing of Low-noise CMOS analog amplifier using ALCPSO optimization algorithm,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, JIOS, Taylor and Francis, Vol.39. No.1, pp.99-111, 2017.doi: 10.1080/02522667.2017.1380408
  30. K.L.Baishnab, P.K.Paul, N.M.Laskar, S.Nath, P.Sarkar, “ Modelling and Optimization of CMOS Winner takes All Circuit for imrpoved Slew Rate using Swarm Intelligence based techniques,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, JIOS, Taylor and Francis, Vol.38, No.6, pp.841-856,2017.doi:10.1080/02522667.2017.1372133
  31. P.Sarkar, N.M.Laskar, S,Nath, S.Chanda, K.L.Baishnab, “ Offset Voltage Minimization based Circuit Sizing of CMOS OpAmp using Whale Optimization Algorithm,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, JIOS, Taylor and Francis,Vol.39, No.1, pp.83-98, 2017. doi: 10.1080/02522667.2017.1372913.
  32. C.L.Singh, Ch.Anandini, A.J.Gogoi, K.L.Baishnab, “Automated design of Low-Noise, High Gain CMOS Two Stage Operational Amplifier via Thermal Noise Optimization Methodology, International Journal of Current Trends in Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.9, pp.20276-20289, 2017.
  33. B.Sinha, S.Nath, K.L.Baishnab,“ A Hybrid RFD-ACO Approach for Routing Optimization in VLSI Physical Design,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, JIOS, Taylor and Francis, Vol.39,No.1,pp.53-66.doi:10.1080/02522667.2017.1372910.
  34. K.Paul,NaushadManzoorLaskar,SouravNath, K.L.Baishnab,“Performance Analysis of new Swarm Intelligence based Algorithms in optimizing the design of CMOS Folded Cascode OPAMP and Comparator Circuits” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.5 2015.
  35. L.Singh, Ch.Anandini, A.J.Gogoi, K.L.Baishnab, “Analysis and Optimization of noises of an analog circuit via PSO algorithms,” Microsystem Technologies, Springer, October, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s00542-017-3573-8.
  36. AJ Gogoi, CL Singh, S Nath, KL Baishnab, “Optimization of Sensing Time in Energy Detector Based Sensing of Cognitive Radio Network,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 11 (6), 4563-4568. , 2015.
  37. V, Kumar, L.Baishnab, B.Kumar, “A Novel Shared Active Pixel Architecture (SAPA) with Low Dark Current and High Fill-Factor (FF) for CMOS Image Sensors,” Journal of Low Power Electronics, Vol.13, No.3,pp.490-496,2017.
  38. J. Gogoi; N. M. Laskar; Ch. L. Singh; K. Guha; K. L. Baishnab , “Throughput Optimization in Multi-user Single Relay Cognitive Radio Network using Swarm Intelligence Techniques”, Journal of information science and engineering (JISE),(SCI Journal)34, 885-902 DOI: 10.6688/JISE.201807_34(4).00062018.
  39. Sarkar, P., A. Srivastava, S. K. Tripathy, K. L. Baishnab, T. R. Lenka, P. S. Menon, F. Lin, and A. G. Aberle. “Exploring the effect of Ga 3+ doping on structural, electronic and optical properties of CH 3 NH 3 PbCl 3 perovskites: an experimental study.” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics(2020): 1-15.’
  40. Laskar, N. M., Koushik Guha, K. L. Baishnab, P. K. Paul, and K. Srinivasa Rao. “Optimizing the random offset voltage in two stage amplifier considering noise-power trade-off using HWPSO algorithm.” In Energy Systems, Drives and Automations, pp. 349-359. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
  41. Devi, S., Guha, K., Laskar, N. M., Nath, S., Baishnab, K. L., Iannacci, J., & Krishnaswamy, N. (2021). Modelling and analysis of a modified preamplifier for seizure detection. Microsystem Technologies, 1-14.(SCI). 
  42. Sourav Nath, Lokenath Kundu, Swagata Devi, Koushik Guha, KL Baishnab,” Analysis of a Low-Power OTA-Based Neural Amplifier Design for EEG Signal Acquisition” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, World Scientific Publishing Company, Page No. 2450174,  2024
  43. S Nath, N Kumar, K Guha, KL Baishnab, KS Rao,  “Novel design of a low power neural amplifier using split push pull balanced high swing OTA for brain machine interface“, Microsystem Technologies, Volume 30, pages 197–207, 2024
  44. NY Meitei, KL Baishnab, G Trivedi, “Fast Power Density Aware 3D-IC Floorplanning for Hard Macro-Blocks Using Best Operator Combination Genetic Algorithm”,  International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications  March 6, 2023
  45. Siddhartha .Roy, Krishna Lal Baishnab,” SPISE: A tiny, cost effective, speedy block cipher for low resourced devices”, Journal of Engineering Research11, (2023) pp (106-113) published by Springer 

  46. Sagarika Choudhury , Krishna Lal Baishnab , Koushik Guha, Zoran Jakši´, Olga Jakši´and Jacopo Iannacci , “Modeling and Simulation of a TFET-Based Label-Free Biosensor with Enhanced Sensitivity”  Chemosensors 202311(5), 312;

  47. Neeraj Kumar Niranjan, Paramita Sarkar, Brinda Bhowmick, Madhuchhanda Choudhury, Krishna Lal Baishnab”,   Modeling and simulation of 2-D SixGe(1-x) source dual-gate pocket NTFET “, Micro and Nanostructures published by Elsevier Volume 167, July 2022, 207237
  48. Swagata Devi, Sourav Nath, Koushik Guha, Krishna Lal Baishnab,” Design and Analysis of a Fifth Order Low Pass Gm-C Filter for Seizure Detection”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,

  49. Ganesh Prasad , Member, Deepak Mishra , Krishna Lal Baishnab, and Ashraf Hossain, ” Minimization of Energy-Efficient Outage Probability in AF-Relayed PLC”, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL. 16, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2022
  50. Lokenath KunduSubhanil MaitySourav NathGaurv Singh Baghel, and K.L.Design of CML Based Odd Frequency Divider using Delay cell for Low-Power Application  Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers,  January 2025
  51. Preeti, M., Guha, K., Baishnab, K.L. et al. Analysis of a low frequency MEMS capacitive accelerometer under the effect of biasing voltage for detection of Parkinsons tremor. Microsyst Technol (2024).
  52. Nath, S., Kumar, N., Guha, K. et al. Novel design of a low power neural amplifier using split push pull balanced high swing OTA for brain machine interface. Microsyst Technol 30, 197–207 (2024).
  53. Arifa AhmedDeepak MishraGanesh PrasadKrishna Lal Baishnab“QoS-Aware Smart Resource Allocation for Green Cognitive Radio Networks” Spectrum and Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Systems Pages: 26, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2893-4.ch013

  54. Siddhartha Roy, Krishna Lal Baishnab, “SPISE: A tiny, cost effective speedy block cipher for low resourced devices”,Journal of Engineering Research (SCI), Volume 11, Issue 3,2023, Pages 106-113,ISSN 2307-1877,
  55. Naorem Yaipharenba Meitei, Krishna Baishnab, Gaurav Trivedi. Fast Power Density Aware 3D-IC Floorplanning for Hard Macro-Blocks Using Best Operator Combination Genetic Algorithm. Authorea. March 06, 2023.
    DOI: 10.22541/au.167810650.05737225/v1

International Conferences

  1. Devi, K. Guha, and K. L. Baishnab, “Metaheuristic algorithms-based approach for optimal design of improvised fully differential amplifier for biomedical applications,” 2021 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2021, pp. 605-609, doi: 10.1109/DevIC50843.2021.9455831.
  2. Choudhury, Sagarika, Krishna Lal Baishnab, and Koushik Guha. “An approach to improve performance of an SELBOX TFET using hetero-stacked source.” 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS). IEEE, 2020


  1. Devi, K. Guha, K. L. Baishnab, ” Design and Analysis of Various Neural Preamplifier Circuits'”, Submicron semiconductor devices: design and applications, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, 2020.
  2. Choudhury, K. L. Baishnab, K. Guha , B.Bhowmick “Hybrid intelligent technique based doping profile optimization in a double gate hetero-dielectric TFET”, for publication in book chapter in “Sub micron semiconductor Devices: Design and Applications” published by CRC press, Taylor and francis group.
  3. Devi, K. Guha, N. M. Laskar, S. Nath, K. L. Baishnab. (2020) Design and Analysis of an Improvised Fully Differential Amplifier. In: Mallick P.K., Meher P., Majumder A., Das S.K. (eds) Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 686. Springer, Singapore.


  • IEEE Electron Device Society, Member


  •  Best Paper in “VDAT ” VLSI Design Conference,  Kolkata  2016


  • January  2022 to Till date : Registrar NIT Silchar
  • Apr 2020 to Jan 2022: HOD Electronics and communication Engineering NIT Silchar
  • Oct 2018 to Jan 2022: Dean Alumni Relations, NIT Silchar
  • Jan 2016 to Mar 2018: HOD Electronics and communication Engineering NIT Silchar

Ph.D. Scholars Guided

Title of  PhD Thesis Name PhD Scholar  Awarding Year Placed / Working
Swarm Intelligence Techniques in analog Circuit Design Optimisation Prasanta Kumar Paul 2016  NIT Silchar
Optimization of Throughput and Energy Consumption in Cognitive Radio Network Ashim Jyoti Gogoi 2019 Kaziranga University
Design and Development of Efficient and Secure Fog Computing assistede-Healthcare Frameworks  Abhishek Mazumder 2019 Techno India Group Kolkata
Design and Optimization of Analog Circuits for Low Noise Application using SI-based Algorithm” Lison Singh 2020 Entrepreneur 
Study of Organic-Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskites for Optoelectronic Applications Paramita Sarkar  2020 Assistant  Professor @ Bangalore
Design and Optimization of Neural Amplifiers using the novel Hybrid Whale Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Naushad Manzoor Laskar 2021 VIT Vellore Campus
Design and Development of Secured Energy-Efficient IoT-Cloud Data Transmission Frameworks in E-Healthcare System Arpita Biswas 01/10/2021 Techno India Group  Kolkata
QoS-aware Smart Policies for Cognitive Radio Networks Arifa Ahmed 10/06/2022 Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science
Optimal design of TFET using Meta-heuristic algorithm for improved performance. Sagarika Choudhury 13/12/2022 Tejas Network Bangalore 
Design and Development of Architecture of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithm for Low Power IoT Devices Siddhartha Roy 13/09/ 2023 Assistant Professor  
Power Density-Aware 3D-IC Partitioning and Floorplanning Using State-of-The-Art Genetic Algorithms Y P Maity  03/07/ 2023 PDF @ IIT Guwahati 
Modelling and Simulation of low power Tunnel FETs based devices for electronic ecosystem and biomedical applications Neeraj Kumar  04/12/2023 VLSI Industry 
 Design and Analysis of Analog Front-End Circuits for neurological decease detection Sourav Nath 04/10/2024  C2S  Project Associate -II
Design and Analysis of Low Frequency MEMS Accelerometer for detection of Parkinsons Disease in early stage Preeti  M 28.10.2024 Assistant  Prof K L University 


About Krishna Baishnab

Dr. K.L. Baishnab Professor Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering NIT Silchar Assam 1. PhD on “Analog/ Mixed mode Circuits for Visual Processing” National Institute of Technology Silchar- 2. Masters in Technology (M. Tech.) Telecommunication Systems Engg. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India 3. B.Tech. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) National Institute of Technology, Silchar India Year of Passing: May 1995 Academic responsibilities: Responsibility From To Registrar NIT Silchar 4th January 2022 Till date HOD ECE January 2016 to March 31st 2018 Dean of Alumni Relations October 2018 3rd January 2022 HOD ECE 1st April 2020 3rd January 2022