Research Areas of Departement of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Major Research Areas Number of Members Involved Name of the Faculty Core Specialization Interdisciplinary Areas
VLSI and Devices 12 Prof. S. Baishya Solid-State Device Modeling and Simulation, Electronic Circuits, VLSI, and MEMS  – – – -
Dr. P. K. Paul Fiber Optic Sensor, Optical interconnects, Analog VLSI Circuit  – – – -
Dr. K.L. Baishnab Analog and RF VLSI Design,  Algorithms to VLSI  architectures, Device modeling, Biosensor  Modelling and Optimization of VLSI Circuits and Communication system VLSI  Design for Communication Systems, Modeling, and Optimization in 5G communication
Dr. M. Choudhury Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Electronic circuits, Digital circuits, Electronic measurements & Instrumentation, Bio-medical Instrumentation  – – – -
Dr. B. Bhowmick (Shome) Semiconductor Devices, Modeling, and Simulation of low power and high power semiconductor devices, analog circuits, application of semiconductor devices as Biosensor and Light sensor Application of Semiconductor Devices as Sensors
Dr. Koushik Guha MEMS, NEMS, Microfluidics, Lab on Chip, VLSI, Semiconductor Devices MEMS/NEMS
Dr. T. R. Lenka Nanoelectronics, Nanotechnology, VLSI Design, MEMS Energy Harvesting, Solar Photovoltaics Solar Photovoltaics, Energy harvesting
Dr. S. K. Tripathy Electronic structure calculations, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Solar Cells, Storage Battery, Device Modelling and simulations, Sensors, VLSI system, and Testing Sensor for various applications, Lithium-Ion Battery, Perovskite solar cell, Machine Learning
Dr. Robin Khosla Nanoelectronics, Micro/Nanofabrication, VLSI Design and Technology, Semiconductor Materials and Devices fabrication and characterization, Embedded systems, and FPGA-based system design. Optoelectronics, Sensors and Actuators, MEMS, Group-IV based devices, Advanced Lithography
Dr. M. Kavicharan VLSI interconnects, Signal Integrity, Power Integrity, Advanced Devices, and Their Modeling, Analysis. Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Interconnects and stretchable interconnects, Embedded system design. Microelectronic devices for sensing applications. Stretchable electronics for wearable biomedical applications. Development of FPGA-based applications. Machine learning for VLSI physical design
Mr. Anupal Deka Nanoscale Devices, Molecular Dynamics Simulation   – – – -
Dr. Bijit Choudhuri Microelectronic devices simulation,  optoelectronic device fabrication, and characterization Optoelectronics material and device, Fabrication of Novel Nanostructures and their optical and electrical properties, Glancing angle deposition, Flexible health monitoring device
Communication Engineering 8 Prof. Fazal A. Talukdar Communications and Signal Processing  – – – -
Dr. Madhumita Banerjee Optical Communication Image processing
Dr. Wasim Arif Communications and Signal Processing  – – – -
Dr. Ashraf Hossain Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications, Satellite Communications, Communication Systems, Wireless communications for 5G and 6G, Millimeter-wave communications  – – – -
Dr. Ganesh Prasad Satellite Communication, Cooperative Wireless Communications, Underwater Networks, Free-Space Optical Communications, and Green Communications, Massive MIMO, Cooperative MIMO, NOMA, Wireless Sensor Networks, Power Line Communications, Smart Grid, Cognitive Radios,  Next Generation Wireless Networks, UAV-assisted Networks, OFTS  Machine Learning, Deep Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Convex Optimization, 5G Networks, Signal Processing for Communication
Dr. Prabina Pattanayak Wireless Communication Systems, MIMO/massive MIMO Communication Systems, Applications of Soft Computing Techniques, Cross-Layer Communication Issues,  Resource Allocation for Communications, Millimeter-Wave Communications, Machine Learning for Communications, Antenna Design, FPGA Prototyping for Communications Smart Grid Communications, Smart Transportation Systems, Optimization Techniques, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Dr. P. Puspa Devi Optical Fiber Communication, Opto-Electronic Devices, III-V Semiconductors, Electronic Biosensors, and Photonic crystal Biosensors  – – – -
Dr. Devendra S. Gurjar Wireless Sensor Networks, MIMO communication systems, cooperative relaying, device-to-device communications, smart grid communications, physical layer security, and simultaneous wireless information and power transfer Smart Transportation Systems, UAV Communications, V2X Communications
Signal/Image Processing 5 Dr. R. H. Laskar Speech and Audio Processing, Image and Video processing, Bio-medical image processing, Communication system Engineering, Soft computing techniques, Machine Learning Speech and Audio Processing, Natural Language Processing, Medical Image Processing
Dr. R. K. Karsh Image Hashing, Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition, Sign Language Recognition, Image Authentication, Multimedia Security, Computer vision using Deep Learning Medical Image Processing: Early detection of cancer disease using computer vision
Dr. Chandrajit Choudhury Light Field Imaging, Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Compressive sensing  – – – -
Dr. R. Murugan Bio-Medical Signal/Image Processing, Retinal Image Analysis,  Digital Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Embedded systems, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Medical Image Processing, Medical Internet of Things, Automatic Driverless Assistance System, Design of exoskeleton, Multimedia Compression Techniques, Machine learning / Deep learning. VLSI / Embedded Signal Processing, and differential & integral equations for medical image segmentation/restoration.
Dr. Tripti Goel Medical Image Processing, Neuroimaging, Pattern Recognition, Digital Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Optimization techniques, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Medical Image Processing,  Machine learning, Pattern Recognition, Deep learning, Optimization Techniques
RF and Microwave 6 Dr. Banani Basu Antenna & Wave Propagation, Metamaterial Structures, Wireless Communication Machine Learning (ML) in Antenna Design, Application of ML in RF Imaging, Soft Computing for Radiation Pattern Synthesis
Dr. Taimoor Khan Printed Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Components, RF Energy Harvesting, EBG, and FSS Structures, Ultra-wideband Technology Computational Intelligence in Applied Electromagnetics, Bio-Electromagnetics
Dr. Arnab Nandi Resonators for RF Applications, Metamaterial-Inspired Structures for Antenna Application, Wireless Sensor Networks Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Receiver for Wireless Communications, Soft Computing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks, Machine Learning (ML) in Antenna Design
Dr. Ujjal Chakraborty Compact Multiband antennas, phased array antennas, Body wearable conformal antennas, and reconfigurable antennas  – – – -
Dr. M. V. Swati High-frequency Active Devices; Antenna Design; Metamaterial based devices; Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits; Gyro-Devices  – – – -
Dr. Gaurav S. Baghel High-frequency solid state devices; RFICs; Antennas; Metamaterial based devices; Millimeter-wave Devices; Gyrotron Oscillators; Gyro-Traveling Wave Tubes; Remote detection of radioactive materials using millimeter wave signal  – – – -